of Walker red kennel

of Walker red kennel American Staffordshire Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier

Confirmation de Gestation pour notre KHALY !!!!!!!!!!

Actualité publié le 29/08/2015

of Walker red kennel - Confirmation de Gestation pour notre KHALY !!!!!!!!!!

C'est avec une immense joie que nous vous annonçons la confirmation de gestation de Khaly .

Mariage 2015 :


It is with great joy that we announce the Khaly gestation confirmation.

Breeding 2015:


Ch Goodies Greedy To Success Aka Khaly 

DOB :11-06-2011

S : FlashPoint Tippit'z hanky

D: Multi Ch Come To Become Cara the White Beauty

HD : Free

ED : Free

Ataxia Clear

Cardiac : Clear

Full Dentition

VDH German Champion

Multi CACS and CACIB




EUW '14 BIS MBISS Multi Ch.Staff O Class Find Me In Paris

DOB: 30-10-2010

S: BISS Ch. Alpine's Highwayman

D: Ch. Sindelar's Sweet Child O Mine

***** OWNERS ***** : Nick Hilferink & Monique van Poppel (NL)


ED: 0

Ataxia: clear

Cardiac: clear

full dentition

MAG test: approved

European Winner BOB 2014

Dutch Champion

AKC Champion

Belgium Champion

Swedish Champion

Luxembourg Champion

German VDH Champion

Austrian Champion

International Champion

Serbian Champion

Romanian Champion

Azerbedjan Champion

Cyprus Champion

Macedonian Champion

Moldavian Champion

Montenegro Champion

BIS Monográfica CEAST

BIS Belgium Specialty

BIS French Specialty

BIS German Specialty GBF

BIS German Specialty DCBT

BIS Austrian Specialty

BOB German Winner 2014

BOB / BOG Benelux Winner

BOB / BOG 2 Europasieger 2013

BOB / BOG 3 Europasieger 2014

Puppies are expected in late September.

Big Thank's to Nick and Monique for Tyler :)


Linebreeding 5 generations

3 - 4 CH Sindelar's R-U Deedee 01.56% 05.27%

        ?4 - 5         ?R-U Marcella Marceau 

        ?4 - 5         ?CH Sindelar's Gentleman Jim 


3,5 - 4 BISS CH Sindelar's Touch O'Class Orion 01.56% 07.42%


 ?4 - 5         ?CH (AKC) Sindelar's Heide Ho 

        ?4 - 5         ?CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt

